The Independent Report

This weblog is an independent, non-partisan, non-ideological analysis of news, politics, social issues, and current events. The Independent features opinion pieces and original, thoughtful essays which are designed to inform, compel and persuade.

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I'm a native Bostonian, an Emerson graduate, and a former Featured Columnist at Bleach Report and Baseball Digest. Kennedy's Commentary is dedicated to Red Sox stats, trivia, highlights, and moves I'd like to see the team make and, in some cases, not make. Go, Sox!

Thursday, August 04, 2005


One year after the handover of power to the democratically elected government of Iraq, and President Bush continues to assert that there's been "significant progress." But that's a very difficult argument to make in the face of day to day reality there.

Power generation was lower this June than it was last June; crude oil production is down; oil export revenues are down; only 37% of Iraqis have working sewer systems; many Baghdad neighborhoods have been without water for weeks at a time; and mile-long lines at gas stations are routine.

This is some good news, however. Average per capita incomes in Iraq shot up to $422 in 2004, from just $322 in 2003.


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